Greymatter Property Investments

Smarter Investing

About Us

Greymatter Property Investments is a UK-based company specialising in sourcing the best property investment deals in the country.

We cover all investment strategies, including buy-to-lets, buy-to-flip, buy-refurb-refinance-rent and many more.
We are constantly on the lookout for properties that will maximise your investment.

Our services particularly suit the investor that wants a hands-off approach, who doesn’t have the time to find their own investment deals. We’ll do the work for you!

Property Deal Sourcing

How it works…

We identify properties (on or off-market) that we believe could make great investments. We carry out thorough due diligence which includes viewing the property, finding comparable’s, negotiating prices and most importantly, running the numbers to make sure it’s an excellent investment!

What happens next?

We prepare the deal brochure ➔ The brochure is then sent to our investor list ➔ The property deal is sold to one of our investors on a first-come, first-serve basis!

Who is it for?

Our services suit all types of investors. We package deals for cash buyers and those using mortgages.

Join our Investor List


Our Customers Say

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